Unfortunately our only outdoor outlet doesn't work so I was unable to heed the warning to do it outside. A well ventilated laundry room closed to the rest of the house mus have helped, but even after having all the windows open today and simmering cloves and cinnamon on the stove for several hours it still smells like an Italian Nonna's kitchen in here. But at least we won't have to worry about vampires. ;)
My chickens are such pigs! I don't think my ducks are getting enough to eat because the chickens are always crowding them out of the way, and our yard has much better foraging for the chickens than the ducks as well. By midafternoon the ducks are all gathered on the back porch looking quite hungry so I will take pity on them and feed them, but then my feathered piggies all come running and chase them away and I can't chase them off without chasing the ducks off too. I had been trying to let the ducks out first in the morning to have a feed before letting the chooks out, but then they just stand there waiting for the chickens to go first I guess. So tonight I put food in the duck coop at lock up time and that seemed to work so we'll see how that goes for a while.
After getting 4 eggs one day we're back to getting only 2-3 eggs a day and I'm not sure if its because they're not into peak production yet or if its because I caught Bolt in the coop eating an egg on Sunday. I don't know if she's become an egg eater or if maybe he egg had simply broken and she took advantage of the situation but I do need to get some ceramic eggs to try to put a stop to it. I hope it doesn't become an issue. I can't have an egg eater around but since she was from our first hatch and the girls love her to bits it would be so hard to get rid of her...
Speaking of eating eggs, tonight I made quiche for dinner - the first time using entirely our own eggs (and seasoned with my homemade garlic powder too) How amazing did that feel? And taste. I can't wait until more and more of our meals are made with our own food
And lastly, on the weekend we went to visit a house that I had high hopes of becoming our homestead. The land was amazing - so much more than I would have dared hope for -it even had a static chicken coop and run and what could have been perfect as a goat shelter and yard that just needed the fence repaired, a veggie garden and several fruit trees. But unfortunately the house was a lot smaller than expected, it was right ad Tech-Daddy's max distance range, and the driveway was in terrible shape and we could barely get our van up to the carport and doubted the car would fit at all. Those three cons made DH decide against it. He liked it a lot but doesn't want to live somewhere he has to talk himself into, especially since we're talking living somewhere for the next 3+ years.So we're back to the drawing board.
I am praying for patience to wait for just the right property to come up. Ideally it will have fruit trees and a chicken coop and either be 10 minutes closer to town than the last place, or have a third bedroom and a verandah. And I'd really like to be able to move within 6 weeks so I can make a good start on the garden before the end of September.
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